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  • I'm gonna give dorming a chance and if things dont go well, then obviousely I wont dorm anymore. The way I look at it is that Rutgers is paying the dorm for me anyway, so I go, give it a chance and see if i like it. If I dont, I just move out. I'v…
  • Yea, I've heard about the R. I just heard it's where all the egys hang out, but wat's so great about it?
  • I know dorming is going to be tough, but like I said, it's an hour drive from where I live. And I can't go to Rutgers Newark cuz the program I'm going into is only at New Brunswick. As for expenses, thank God, I have a full scholarship. Just pra…
  • I do live in NJ, but it's an hour drive to Rutgers. So that would be 2 hrs I'd have to give up everyday and I REALLY hate driving. I figure if I really dont like dorming, I can always move back home, but I'll try it and see how it goes.