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  • Are you looking for any good book? or just the desert fathers?
  • I was just looking at the collection of St. Augustine's books...seems like a great deal!! How good is the format? Some kindle books just irk me...
  • That's exactly what i ended up doing! Hopefully someone finds a solution soon... And thank you, minatasgeel!
  • Of course I am not offended, feedback is much appreciated! But since you are not entirely sure then I will have to confer with Abouna, because what about in convents, when the women lead Tasbeha? So are they only allowed to do so when there are no m…
  • I downloaded the fonts from under "Download for Windows" and refreshed the site but it still looks the same to there anything else I need to do? My apologies, I'm not very tech-y
  • Thank you Andrew! That article is actually really helpful.  I cant read some of the titles of the chants, though, so do I need to download Coptic fonts or something of the sort? Yes, I am a female, and it was one of the younger deacons who wanted t…
  • What a coincidence-- I was just reading up on intelligent design today! Anyways, I know about irreducible complexity and all that good stuff, but sometimes he'll say things such as "People who suffer from delusions of grandeur have schizophrenia, su…
  • Might I suggest making this book in a Kindle version as well?  It would reach a broader audience! Also, can I assume that your advice would be to respond to the professor?