Perhaps someone will object that the woman sinned before the man and even that the serpent sinned before her … and elsewhere the apostle says: “Ad…
Hello in the Name of Jesus Christ
May the Lord bless us all
My beloved brother, you are viewing this matter in an innapropriate way. But I am very greatful that you have posted your concern for it reveals that the Lord is truly working within you …
The Peace of the Lord be with us
Regarding the information and analysis of the censer, there are several different sourses in which all of this is explained and described. One main source is the Holy Bible, especially the Old Tetament (in particul…
Hello in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ
The Peace and Love of God be with us
The censer is itself a single item constructed out of several pieces for a particular purpose. It is convenient to describe the censer from its construction from the b…
Hello in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ
May our loving, strong, and merciful Lord be with all of us.
This discussion seems to be a hotly debated one, I perceive, mostly because of the incomplete understanding of the concept of sin and how it af…
Hello in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ
Usually I prefer to keep my email address confidential, so if you would like to have it, please post your email address or create a new one and let me know about it, and I will email you with my email addr…
Hello in the name of the Lord, God, and Savior Jesus Christ.
First off, I would like to inform you about the Coptic Orthodox Church and why and how it is different than many of the other different types of Christian churches out there. Orthodox is…