oo...i never meet him or anything but i think hes amazing....hes talks to us as we understand....rather than talk down to us...and i think he is right in everything he said....and yea hes young...so that makes it better...because he understands what…
hey heres a great sermon that was given to me when i asked the same question...trust me it helped me a whole bunch...:)
i've always thought that selah means "pray" .....isnt that what it means in hebrew and arabic.....yea im not positive about it...this is really a good question by the way :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
but isnt the book to be fiction....i have that book....but i havent read it yet....i new it was about a missing gospel that was found...but the story wasnt meant to be true
yea i thinks okay cuz i noe mother's that have done that for their childern....and its not like they're doing to die afterwards....they're saving a life :) :)
yea lyk priest , bishop, etc are judged on a different level than us because of their spiritual knowledge... :) :)....im glad i cant be a priest or a bishop...lol...jk
hey you noe on ur license where you check off an organ you would like to donate...is that right....donating an organ to save some else's life...because lyk u said servantofjesus....our bodies arent ours to give
george is rite....i would dye to get a chance to be a decon just for one day....you guys get to be there center row during the most blessed moments during the liturgy...you get to serve in the altar...you rite there in front of God....i donno.... th…
i think guys should clean the house too...omg...my mother nevers askes my brothers and when im lyk no ask them...shes lyk ur the girl...this what ur supposed to do...she only says that because she noes it pisses me off...but still...lol...and rita i…
yea it sucks that we arent united as a whole....but i dont see how that will ever work...because we are different....even tho the main goal should be believe in Christ....thats not the only thing....the way we worship is different too....the way the…
hey socoolbishoy...i was joking...i was just trying to make the point that even the best role model, God, loved and had great respect for his mother...even tho he was the ALL MIGHTY ONE...i just thought that was cool...lol :) :)
sorry i dont mean to put any1 down....but what if this person isnt as spiritual...not meaning they dont pray or anything...meaning they wont understand what it means for a priest to give us the absolution....is there lyk an easier way to explain to …
you completely made sense rita and ur completely rite...lol... :) :)...i also most of the time your parents really dont noe you...i noe that their your parents and stuff but i noe my parents donno how i am and what i lyk and dislike...meaning in guy…
it is fun but where did they come from...lol....i luv my xmas...but my parents really dont wrap my presents...lol...and put them under the tree...its more lyk them just hanging me the present...lol....
actually you guys really cant put us down...because the best female role model that we all love dearly and gave birth to our Savior...would be Saint Mary...so women are needed.....if it wasnt for a women....God wouldnt have been born into this eart…