I am astonished with your reading for the first verse!
It's really a remarkable work..
I am happy to know you more.. If you do not mind.. Tell me and i will post you my whats app number.
Note that those responses were collected according to the request of M. Albair Gamal, so we picked up what he needed, in other words there are responses that can be added above those written in the pdf i attached.
Here is a link to all responses of the holy lent sundays, we have published them formerly on our page (اسالك فتعلمنى
You have the text,
And you have the greek dictionaries and grammar books,
Do some work to learn,
Just search for the word (efthonikon) written in the first verse as a start for your search.
Here is a study by Dr. Sameh Farouk Soliman, Lecturer of Byzantine Literature:
The very old psalmody manuscripts includes only one hiten for Moses and only one for David, you can refer to those manuscripts :
- Vienna copte 3
-Hunt 256
Those two manuscripts date back to the 14th century, and regarded as the oldest versions avai…
It is crystal clear,
1- authorized means that the person is a member of the hymns subcommittee in the Synod.
2-professional means that he did studied music and has a certificate, i can state George Kyrollos as an example here..
Lost hymns need sinc…
The deacon who recorded the old Greek parts is called Sobhy Kolta, he was one of the former deacons at st. Mark cathedral in alexandria..
HE DID NOT record too dipnoo with the other greek parts, so we actually have no original "coptic tune" for it. …
This hymn is found in the oldest "Tartib el bai3a-patriarkia 1444", aslo found in all other versions of taribs such as Anba Antonius, Baramous, Mouharraq, Abo saifin.. Etc
You can listen to it here..
.., but unfortunately the text used here has s…
احاول حاضر
بس جوش ماكدويل ليه فديوهات كتير على اليوتيوب منها بيتكلم عن القيامة، ومنها برضو مناظرته الرائعة جدا والقيمة اللى ناظر فيها احمد ديدات عن القيامة
الصديق / رأفت
اهلا بك مرة اخرى
ليس من الجيد للباحث ان يجتزأ او يقتص ايات من مواضعها، مواضعها المكانية والزمنية والتاريخية، اجتزاء النصوص والامانة فى البحث ضدان لا يلتقيان
لو كنت تبحث عن تفسير اية كورنثوس فاللينك ده بيشرح سبب ايراد الاية ، ولو كنت …
انت كنت تبحث بامانة عن الحق، ده كتاب انجليزى قيم عن القيامة(عشان انا فاكر انك قلت دورت وملقتش )
الباحث يجب ان ينظر للمعطيات بموضوعية
مينفعش تكون عاوز مصادر بشروط معينة اذا لم تتح تلك المصادر بنفس الشروط تذهب انت الى افتراضات من مخيلتك
+ انت شايف ان زمن الشهادات اللى هو بيتمحور فى نطاق خمسين سنة وربما عشرين انه شهادة متاخرة، المشكلة ان فى خلال …
لتانى مرة بقولك
قصة الكفن المقدس وشهادة الاناجيل فى نصف المقال الاول اللى انا قولتلك عديها لانها متهمكش، وكانت اجابة سؤالك فى نصف المقال التانى اللى بتتضمن شهادات اليهود والرومان على ايمان المسيحيين الاوائل ، انا مش عارف انت ليه تجاهلت دول
برضو لت…
فيه نقاط حابب اوضحها
١- ازاى مصادر غير مسيحية بتذكر قيامة السيد المسيح؟!؟، كيف لغير المسيحى ان
يشهد بان سيدنا قام ولا يؤمن به؟، من هنا سؤالك صيغته غلط، السؤال مفروض يبقى " هل تحدث احد من غير المسيحين عن موضوع الصلب والقيامة بانه ايمان المسيح…
Hello ,sister
I think serving christ via your sick old father is more important than going to USA for attending a church freely..
The christ is in your home. He is in the old sick not in churches abroad
However you should always be smart and wise n…
Look, Meghalo comes specifically from upper egypt liturgy. The liturgy of upper egypt that were prayed till the tenth century in saint shenoute and pachom monastries is fairly different in many aspects..
One aspect of them is the "trisagion hymns" t…
They have their special tune..they are still chanted in upper Egypt with their kiahky tune each verse lasts about 2 minutes..
Mr.Albair is going to record them (with other adam lobshes) with his choir when he re-publish the cd of kiahk midnight hymn…
i did listened to it by the HICS..nothing different ..they said it as we chant it in the churches (by frequent opening and clothing..)
,,,the way the HICS chant pekethronos is completely different from what we have seen in the video
i hope that i u…
i think the third point is the answer...
the old way of chanting between two vowels has affected this matter grossly..the moving from a closing-mouth vowel such as the (omekron)to an open-mouth vowel as the (alpha) necessitates the closing an…
-before anyone asks..this is one of the sources..a recording by cantor Habib Hanna Elmerahim:
- the page that published the hymn: