Thank you ioannesAthanasius: I get it. only if there is enough resources and ability to some how translate it into as many languages as possible. We wait patiently on our God to make best way of understanding all things.
‹ ቀዳሚሃ ለሰንበት › as we say in our
Orthodox Tewahdo for Sturday, that’s because we celebrate both Saturday as (the
first Sunday = Sabbath) and then the lords day the Sunday.
have an update just released yesterday by the Holy Synodos of the E…
abbots of the monasteries, members of the Eritrean Orthodox
Tewahdo Holy Synod, learned men (liqawnti) of the Church, in session on the
case of abune Antonius…
Brother ioannesAthanasius:
Thanks ! More to come. I normally don't give reply to defamatory statement. Since you took it as a fact that he is “in a
prison run by a Secular State”, Have you
been to the prison and paid a visit there ? please share…
tenoosht: First off, the statement you mentioned is by all standard illegal, divisive and ill intentioned orchestrated by the Coptic church. Just on the surface alone, would you not agree whoever the standing committee claims to represent, should …
you bet ! plenty, sadly to say. The Holy Synod reluctantly making it public to expose the Atlanta based Orthodox renewal relentless public propaganda against the Eritrean Holy Synod.
ioannesAthanasius: Abune Antonios was deposed by the unanimous decision of the holy synod after successive unsuccessful effort by the Holy synod to get abune antonios work with them to protect the Holy Church from the so many Protestant and renewal…
Greetings,'Abune Paulos's authority and legitimacy was questionable by the majority of Ethiopans. Here is why: Abune Merkorios is from the Amhara ethnic. In 1991 when the Tigrian reble force, i.e current government, ( from the Tigray ethnic cons…
Thank you AN for the translation which I found inconsistancy. Some of the words are difficult to fine the exact meaning in English. In any case here the impartial correction to the previuse translation AN posted = the BOLD and Indentation is mine. T…
Hi again,
I would like to post PDF or Jpg file document regarding the original charges posted by the Holy Synodos,, how do I do that ...if you can help.
one of the charges were abune Antonios reached out to the government complaining about his disag…
Just FYI,If I recall correctly,the church requested the government to assign a guard to prevent any unnecessary intrusion in to his residence for safety.
in Christ,H.A
Greetings , This is not professional translation and should be read as such. The video is a get together with the office of the Patriarch and synodos The third Patriarch His Holliness Abune Antonios gave general and specific GreetingsGave thanks to …
RO,Very good approach and Excellent questions. You hit the "hammer on the head" answering those questions are critical to the issue at hand. That's what I was going to discuss before the forum change the venue. Thank You.haymanot abew
Greetings AntoniousNIkolas,
thank you for your interest and engaging on my post and happy you liked my name.
I have to admit this situation is a tragedy no one wants to talk about and unfortunately conveniently manipulated to fabrication by politica…
Dear minasoliman,As a children of the Christian Orthodox faith, involving the Church in politics is not wise as you seem to suggest. I suggest you learn the facts to understand the truth surrounding this matter. Let me say this, I have read more tha…